Michigan is the #8 seed. I could bitch and moan about this a little more, but the committee thinks Michigan was good enough to win at least one game, apparently with MSU being seeded #10, they don't think much of Sparty at all. There is a tough road ahead for the Cagers, it is unlikely that Michigan beats Duke in the 2nd Round, crap, but the only other #1 seed I'd rather play is Pitt, so I'm not too upset about it. I wont be stupid enough to go around saying that Michigan is going to BEAT Duke, once again, Michigan has a CHANCE to beat Duke. The Cagers got over the hump last year, so it's not like we haven't beat Duke recently!? HOWEVER, let's stay focused on beating Rocky Top and Coach Barbecue first. This game is more than winnable, Tenn. lost to my OU Grizzlies at home, plus with MICHIGAN being the HIGHER SEED, nobody can say they don't deserve to win that game. Doug Gottlieb is a straight idiot, the only thing he got right yesterday was when he referred to State as "Kalin Lucas and the Other Dudes". Any State fan that wants to argue that point are more than welcome, unfortunately when Kalin LucASS isn't scoring 30, you aren't BEATING ANYBODY! So, I guess State fans can't really argue against that point at all, sorry Little Brother. If the Cagers somehow beat the Pearls, we will have a chance too storm Chapel Hill and try to take out Coach CryBaby and the Puke Devils. What a HUGE W it would be for Michigan's basketball program, if the Cagers make the Sweet 16 with this draw, the future of our program looks more than bright. Plus, after seeing the Fab Five doc. I can truly appreciate the struggle that Michigan Basketball has been through since that time. If I could trade those years for a couple Big 10 titles and some Elite 8s the honest way, I damn sure would. But given the way Blue has played this season, if Michigan did beat Duke, the Cagers would most likely have a let-down game, (ala UTEP @ home earlier this year), I'm just being real.
Spartans, what a gift you have been given! By far and away the easiest bracket of the tournament, it is seriously such a joke. I wouldn't be surprised to see MSU fans saying that Sparty played bad all season just to get seeded lower in the tournament, most of your fans are def. that annoying and stupid, I wouldn't put it past you. The Pac-10 is WEAK, and you probably should beat UCLA, that is if State can figure out which girlfriends our theirs and not their teammates, say hi to Lucious for me. Then, if State gets past the Whack-10, you get the most laughable #2 seed of the tournament (Florida). I was so worried that this draw would make State fans salivate, and I'm actually pissed that State has such an easy road to the Sweet 16. But then something happened that made everything about State's potential yellow brick road turn to mud. Everybody's favorite Spartan and NBA dud (ouch my foot hurts) Mateeeeeeeeeeen Cleaves ruined any shot Sparty has of doing anything in the Tourney by guaranteeing MSU makes the Final Four live on ESPN! The saddest part is, most of you Spartans actually believe it and NONE OF YOU HAVE ANY REASON TOO!!! I don't care if Vegas has you favored to win the game, you are STILL a #10 seed, and you WON'T SNEAK UP ON ANYBODY!!! I heard the word "underdog" being tossed around in the media by State players yesterday too, correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're favored to win, you can't be the underdog? If anybody has the right to the "under-dog" spot it's UCLA, I'd be pissed if Vegas took a #10 seed over my team, and because UCLA isn't FAVORED to win, the Bruins can technically play the "under-dog", even though UCLA is the higher seed. I don't know, apparently simple logic is a little much for the Green and White. Also, the underdog mentality doesn't even fly, because Sparty has never been an "underdog" team this season, Sparty has just been a bad/underperforming team THIS season. Maybe Sparty's heads got swollen after two straight trips to the Final Four? Don't get me wrong, I can still give credit where credit is due and both those teams deserve recognition, not as much the Fab Five, but at least State's banners from their Final Fours still hang, State has Michigan on that one. Spartans talk like none of these teams (UCLA, Florida) even know State exists, if State is the program ALL OF YOU SPARTANS believe it is, UCLA and Florida will be prepared, stop kidding yourselves into thinking that State has gone unnoticed. State had a terrible, terrible year, and State has been noticed, FOR BEING HOT GARBAGE! It's fans and alumni like Mateeeeeeeeeeeen, that will forever make me hate Sparty. Mike Valenti on 97.1 The Ticket here in Michigan wants Blue and Green to unite, I don't know Mike......if opinions of a TERRIBLE Spartan team like this are the norm, I seriously just don't know.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot, tell Izzo to stop drumming up media stories that aren't there. Your team has been Kalin Lucas and the other dudes all SEASON, quit being stupid enough to deny it. Quit trying to rub two sticks together in a tornado to get a fire lit under your team Tom, you disgust me! State whooped up on Purdont, and then promptly mailed it in (as State has all season after a big W) against Penn State. As I finish my first piece, I just saw Mr. Gottlieb taking State into the Sweet 16, if that doesn't speak to the weakness of the bracket, I don't know what does. I'm just praying State lays an egg in the tournament, because a TRUE SPARTAN would know that you don't deserve IT!
GO BLUE!!!!!!
Mr. SoLo DoLo
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