The Black Eyed Peas will be performing on the Superbowl halftime show this year. Undoubtedly, they will be performing their smash hit, "Let's Get It Started." After hearing this song for the first time back in 2003, I can admit that I thought it was catchier than herpes. However, after hearing the song for the millionth time tonight, I believe I have had enough. I would rather listen to an actual legume than listen to any more Black Eyes Peas. Will I Am looks like a character from The Matrix and Fergie, as foxy as she was 8 years ago, looks like she has been smoking Virginia Slims and tanning nonstop since the release of this monstrosity of a song. This song has been played out more in sports than any other track in history. It shall go down with Smashmouth's "All-Star" and Fastball's "The Way" as the 3 most annoying songs in the history of the Milky Way galaxy.
Also, let it be known that this song won best rap performance by a group at the 2005 Grammies. Best RAP performance. This is a testiment to how awful popular "rap" has been in the last 10 years, but that's a post for another day. Allow me to give you a sample of some of the genius lyrics...
Everybody! (Yeah?)
Everybody! (Yeah?)
Let's get into it! (Yeah!)
Get stupid (Come on!)
Get retarded! (Come on!)
Get retarded! (Yeah!)
Get retarded!
I do not even know what any of that means and to be quite honest, I enjoy not being mentally handicapped. So, to narrow it down, a song with shitty lyrics that picks on mentally challenged people received an award for best RAP performance in 2005...AWFUL.
(Side note) Trivia: Can you guess who performed on the 1991 Superbowl halftime show?
If you guessed NKOTB, Disney characters, Warren Moon, and 2,000 local children, I owe you a beer.
I propose you boycott Bridgestone and their list of B-squad has-beens and turn on a real halftime show that may or may not coincide with the football halftime show. Let me break down the kitty halftime show of the Puppy Bowl. Basically, the kittens are hopped up on some sort of kitty hallucinogen and they proceed to play with plastic balls and strands of string while the drugs set in. For 15 minutes, they run around like crazy until the medicine really kicks in. By the end, it is flashing lights and a downpour of confetti while the kitties try to figure out what's going on. Meanwhile, there are hamsters flying overhead in a blimp and rabbits dressed as cheerleaders. How could you NOT watch this?
So when the halftime buzzer sounds and you realize you have lost another $40 in your Superbowl squares game, turn on something that is priceless. Kitties doped up trying to figure out why hamsters are flying blimps and pondering how rabbits got dressed in cheerleader costumes. Here's a clip from last years to get you excited.
Unfortunately as the theme song for the 2004 NBA Finals, Let's Get It Started is ingrained in my head as the unofficial theme song of the 2004 NBA World Champion Detroit Pistons. Fergie is like the Robocop of Meth Addicts, they've pieced part of her back together using plastic and pus from herpes outbreaks